
系统- 2022年5月19日星期四

Real estate is always a steady, long-term investment, but not all properties are created equal. There are always certain aspects that appreciate in value more, or that are in higher demand. In the modern world, one of those must-haves is a reliable internet connection. 

Believe it or not, good or bad internet can make or break a rental agreement or sale in 2022. Not only are people constantly online in their everyday lives, but with the recent switch to working and studying from home on a massive scale, the importance of internet connectivity has grown exponentially. 

Thus, it becomes overwhelmingly important to study this aspect on a property before investing. 它位于哪里?? 是 许多提供商提供的位置? 这个地区的最高速度是多少? 上网费用有多贵? All this and more is important for renters and buyers, so it should also be on your radar when purchasing an investment property. 


But just how important is internet connectivity? It’s not a traditional feature investors look for when buying property. Demand has changed quite a bit over the last 10 years, 和现在, an internet connection can make the difference between a property that sells and one that doesn’t. A reliable internet connection is as essential as electricity, heating, or running water. 人们离不开它. 

Especially in an age where people are staying home - and more importantly - working from home - an internet connection is non-negotiable. 葡京app buyers are willing to pay extra for a home office with all the basics, so this needs to be a priority for any investment. 


This is not a new rule of real estate, by any means, but location, location, location holds true. 你能接触到的那种互联网, 这两家公司, 的速度, it all depends on the location of the property you intend to acquire.

The further away you go from urban areas, 选择越少 you’re going to have, and the less reliable. It also depends on the area of the country where you are buying. Some areas are better served than others, or have more affordable options, with higher speeds. 

It may not seem like an incredibly important determining factor, but it’s a good idea to look into this before you make your purchase. We live in an increasingly connected world, 特别是在大流行的现实中, 所以连通性是至关重要的. 


Before narrowing down a property, look into which providers serve the area. 你有多少选择? 他们是否已经建立并可靠? 你有选择吗?? More importantly - are they already present in the area you are looking to buy? 

通常, you do not get the option to get internet from someone else because the infrastructure that is already in place does not permit it. If your entire neighborhood has internet from a certain provider, a new provider will not install cables just for your benefit. 

It’s also worth looking into the types of connections that are available to you. 如果你没有太多选择, 你财产的价值 会受到影响. 


The main drawback with rural properties is that they are more remote, and broadband is harder to come by in this environment. Depending on how remote the property is located, you may only be able to rely on 卫星网络 and not be able to benefit from newer, 快, 更现代的联系, 比如光纤互联网. 

然而, while still less connected than urban and suburban areas, internet connections for rural homes are growing the most rapidly. 特别是在流感大流行期间, there is a significant ongoing effort to connect areas that are underserved. 根据研究, a lack of high-speed internet is not a deal-breaker, 只要有通道就行. 

城市 & 郊区的属性

With properties that are located in urban or suburban areas, 事情没那么复杂了, and you have a variety of options at your disposal. 而光纤网络更可取, 成为最快的, 其他选择包括有线互联网, 卫星网络, 铜网, 甚至是DSL. 

Speed and reliability are significantly improved in urban and 郊区的属性 compared to rural and remote ones, which is a big draw for renters or buyers. 考虑到数量之多 想租房的专业人士 who can afford a pricey city apartment, it’s worth springing for the good Wi-Fi. 


Investing in real estate is still the best way to acquire wealth, but you have to know how to choose the right kind of property. There are a few aspects to consider, like location, size, layout - and even internet connectivity. 

While virtually any property will increase in value and probably be sought after, 无论是出租还是出售, choosing a property that is attractive and in demand requires more finesse and paying attention to details. 

家庭办公室, 池, and open plan kitchens are still among the top requests buyers have for a home, 但最近, a solid internet connection has also become important. People rely on it more and more for both work and play, so don’t overlook it when searching for the perfect property.